The Lord Jesus Christ is our partner, helper and advocate.

I've been my mom's kitchen helper since I was a little kid.

I know God's voice. I've seen God's hand. If the Lord is my helper, why should I be afraid?

To help my mother, I started working as a workshop helper. There I learned welding and other tools.

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.

He that struggles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.

I didn't cook that much as a kid. My mother was cooking, and I was her helper. We made dishes together.

Getting those parts in the Christopher Guest movies was the second biggest helper to my career after 'Fernwood.'

I have done a Hamburger Helper commercial, a Hardees commercial, a McDonalds commercial. American Express commercial.

Quite often in comic book movies, very good actresses are relegated to being the girlfriend or the helper or the sidekick or something.

Every time we do anything, Austin's the No. 1 place of all that supports it. Austin is our biggest philanthropic helper, even for things that have nothing to do with Austin or Texas.

For our first date, I made Ryan Hamburger Helper, which is basically what I grew up on. I make my own version of it now, with macaroni and cheese and hamburger meat. And the kids - it's their favorite dinner.

You have discovered so much kindness and good will to those you thought were oppressed, and had no helper, that I am sure you will not despise what I have wrote, if you judge it will be of any service to them.

Every single person in the profession has an engine as a helper now. The engines contain six or seven million games, searchable by opening move, player, country, time control. That makes it possible to really research your opponent.

Modern science, then, so far from being an enemy of romance, is seen on every hand to be its sympathetic and resourceful friend, its swift and irresistible helper in its serious need, and an indulgent minister to its lighter fancies.

I went to work in a woman's home in Los Angeles as a mother's helper. I worked there about two years. Went to school with all rich kids. I was the only poor kid in the school, and I was already insecure. But my voice saved me because I sang in school, and I was real popular because of my voice.

This is one of the last unique things to do in the business of sports, to return the National Football League to the city of Los Angeles. I happen to love the city of Los Angeles; I happen to love the NFL - and to somehow be a part of that, a helper in that process, is something I've always been interested in.

Everyone finds their own version of Charles Dickens. The child-victim, the irrepressibly ambitious young man, the reporter, the demonic worker, the tireless walker. The radical, the protector of orphans, helper of the needy, man of good works, the republican. The hater and the lover of America. The giver of parties, the magician, the traveler.

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