I love San Francisco!

It's not a bad typecast: the goofy guy.

I've always wanted to be on a soap opera.

I have great respect for the authorities.

I'll go in a minute to see a sketch show.

I really enjoy working on 'Modern Family.'

I'll talk your ear off if you recognize me.

I have always been more relaxed around comedy.

The 'Tim And Eric' experience was very strange.

The witch in 'Snow White' is a very scary image.

People still quote my lines from 'Best in Show.'

God bless Chris Guest... and I mean it sincerely.

I like to play the guy that has no self-awareness.

I just admire everybody and sit in awe and watch them.

Martin Landau in 'Crimes and Misdemeanors' - he gave me chills.

There's this whole underground world of amateur television production.

I always loved comedy growing up - Bob Hope, Red Skelton and Danny Kaye.

If I like a movie, I see no reason not to go back for Parts 2, 3, 4, etc.

Cleveland is my hometown, and the Indians have a narrow but rich history.

A great director is someone who makes you feel like you're moving forward.

Suddenly you're like a pirate, you're 65 years old and you've got an earring.

I like to know who I'm going to be working with, so that I can think about them.

I loved Bob Hope and the way he would turn to the camera and break the fourth wall.

If you're a cheerleader, people see you. If you're a mascot, you're just helping out.

Comedy always came easier for me. But I would have loved to have been an action hero.

It's such a pleasure to work in these movies, it's almost like it's not really happening.

I guess it's from going to Virginia Military Institute. I'm a good person to follow orders.

I like the characters that have some redeeming quality or if it's interesting to me in any way.

I guess the essence of my comedy is to get into a very abnormal situation but act like it's normal.

I just look back, and I say, you know, Christopher Guest just raised my whole career to another level.

All America is familiar with the Yankee-Dodger-Giant trivia, but so many other teams had great moments.

I never think I'm old enough to play someone's dad, even though I have a daughter of my own and a grandson.

I have a guy who does my hair. He's a car nut. And he was taking motorcycle lessons. And, what was my point?

My first improv was Second City in Chicago. Before that, I worked at - with a partner, doing comedy sketches.

When I started, there was a phase where I wanted to be a cowboy star. I didn't want to do deep, serious parts.

Getting those parts in the Christopher Guest movies was the second biggest helper to my career after 'Fernwood.'

One of the great things about kids is they haven't heard a lot of the old jokes. You can get away with the corny ones.

Tobe Hooper - he did my favorite horror movie, 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre.' It's still one of my favorite horror films.

Let me say this: I have said, any time, if it's Martin Mull, I will say yes. If it's Christopher Guest, I will say yes.

That's always a funny thing, when people think they're known for every little thing they ever did, and they're really not.

Bob Balaban is so perfect that the first movie I did with him, I couldn't talk to him because I was so intimidated by him.

After working with Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, and Jonathan Mangum, I said, 'I am never going to talk about improv again.'

I just love everything that Disney and Pixar do. Not only do they do beautiful films, but they have great messages for kids.

I first became interested in 'great moments' when I read about the famous Feller-to-Boudreau pickoff play in the 1948 World series.

Everybody I run into goes, 'Hey, 'Best in Show!'' Or, 'Hey, that dog movie!' which I don't mind because I'm not too good on titles.

Kids can relate to having some scary person living near their house. They can relate to, 'Hey, don't go near that house.' We all can.

I try to shy away from playing cranky people, but if it's just a funny next-door neighbor or business man, I'll say, 'Sure, why not?'

In most cities, it doesn't cost much to put your own show on a local access channel, so you get all sorts of strange stuff on the air.

When we need a policeman, God bless 'em, they're there. But, if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, everything seems suspicious.

My stepfather was a military man: he was in the Air Force. Reserve. You thought he'd seen front-line action, but he was stationed in Cleveland.

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