I hid myself in food.

Love and a cough cannot be hid.

Love and a red rose can't be hid.

Age is like love, it cannot be hid.

Sometimes I hid my family connections.

I never hid out. I was never big enough a star.

A pity beyond all telling is hid in the heart of love.

If there was a direct influence on a song, I never hid it.

The heart hid still in the dark, hard as the Philosopher's Stone.

A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid.

My tattoo is a phoenix. I got the first when I was 16. I hid it for years.

Way before Watergate, senior administration officials hid behind anonymity.

My wife had a bad habit of biting her nails, but I cured her. I hid her teeth.

Blemishes are hid by night and every fault forgiven; darkness makes any woman fair.

We hid from the Nazis in the mountains. Sometimes there was nothing to eat but snow.

Nature and nature's laws lay hid in the night. God said, Let Newton be! and all was light!

Search not to find things too deeply hid; Nor try to know things whose knowledge is forbid.

Water, stories, the body, all the things we do, are mediums that hid and show what's hidden.

I have never hid my spiritual roots. They just weren't something that came under the spotlight.

I never hid my move to Real Madrid was almost done... my fate changed, and I arrived at Barcelona instead.

The library was open for one hour after school let out. I hid there, looking at art books and reading poetry.

I am what I am. Before I was not so proud to make fashion. My family thought fashion wasn't very interesting. So I hid that.

The identity that I knew was completely stripped of me. I hid, and I hated life; I hated everything. The sun would bother me.

I knew every one of my father's lines in 'Glory' - I broke the VHS tape - but I hid my love of acting to make it as my own man.

It is a myth that married women do not get work. Those days are gone now. So, if you think I hid my marriage for that reason, it's not true.

I avoided the spotlight when I was a kid. I always knew, 'Hey, it wasn't me. I didn't do anything.' If there was a camera around, I hid from it.

No one saw me cry over my dad's death for almost nine years. I hid what I felt, bottling up my emotions so tightly that almost nothing leaked out.

Human nature is the same now as when Adam hid from the presence of God; the consciousness of wrong makes us unwilling to meet those whom we have offended.

As I got older and started moving up the ranking, the matches got more important, and my emotions ratcheted up. I guess I hid my real feelings behind the anger.

Amin hid nothing. Everybody knew everything. Yet the American Senate only introduced a resolution breaking off trade with Amin three months before his overthrow.

I hid my heart under my bed because my mother said if you're not careful someday somebody's going to break it. Take it from me, under the bed is not a good hiding spot.

Donald saw his younger brother Robert as weaker and therefore enjoyed tormenting him. He repeatedly hid Robert's favorite toys, pretending he had no idea where they were.

Stuff used to get me really crazy, touring stuff. I used to hide. I hid from everybody. Back in '87, when things were so hectic, I'd run away. There was so much pressure.

I didn't want people to know that I was an artist. I was ashamed. I thought artists were weird, crazy people, you know. So I always kind of hid the fact that I was an artist.

When we were in Sweden, there was a fan that hid in a bin. I think one of the security guards saw and tried to take her out, and she went a bit crazy and started tackling them.

The scariness of manhood to males may be symbolically seen in the many stories of indigenous Australian boys who ran away and hid in the bush as the time of initiation approached.

At 16, I would wear clothes that hid my body; now I've found clothes that fit me rather than cover me. I'm not skinny, but I'm healthy, and you have to embrace what you've been given.

When I recorded my solo album, 'Keep It Hid,' in 2008, I'd gotten more interested in songwriting, inspired by reading Charles Bukowski and connecting with unfancy, interesting language.

The only things that are a little bit newer are the CD burners, but we hid them under the table, so basically we had the feeling we were somewhere completely different, in another time.

When I was in high school, I hid in the back seat of an old boyfriend's car when he was out with another girl. He finally found me, but not until after he had made out with her for an hour.

I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 18 during my freshman year at UCLA. I refused to accept it - and I hid it from my coaches and teammates. But ignoring my problem didn't make it go away.

If a man dreams that he has committed a sin before which the sun hid his face, it is often safe to conjecture that, in sheer forgetfulness, he wore a red tie, or brown boots with evening dress.

When I was married to an abuser, he'd tell me he wouldn't have to get so angry if only I'd be less demanding, more supportive, more understanding. I hid the truth from everyone, especially myself.

I'm happy being myself, which I've never been before. I always hid in other people, or tried to find myself through the characters, or live out their lives, but I didn't have those things in mine.

Some people say you have to fight cancer. But it was fighting me. The cure was worse than the disease, and it left me totally exhausted and depressed. I just hid myself away in my daughter-in-law's flat.

I love 'Troy.' I love Brad Pitt's character - when he went to Troy, he just ran over it. Then this particular scene where they made this big old horse or something out of wood, and they hid inside the wood.

I became a producer and learned I was pregnant within a five-day span. I wanted both things badly, just not at the same time. I cried and hid my pregnancy for an absurdly long time as I proved myself in the job.

I started off doing theater as a kid, and I always played a character. I hid behind the script and was told where to go. But to actually perform as yourself is very difficult. I didn't used to enjoy it, but now I do.

I hid the fact that I had an aneurysm for a very long time. I was embarrassed, and I just felt like no one needed to know because it made me look weak. Who would of thought someone my age, at 23, had a brain aneurysm?

For many years, I struggled with how I felt about myself. I hid and harbored very self-destructive eating issues, namely anorexia, which at its worst caused me to lose half of my hair and brought my weight down dramatically.

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