If people don't feel safe, they're not going to have hope.

There is a powerful need for people to feel that gust of hope rise up again.

You make a film you feel is as real as possible and hope people react as though it were real.

I hope that every film I make has something to offer in the area of making people feel either vindicated or different in terms of who they are.

I don't want to tell your story because you're a insensitive, self-centered moron. I've told a lot of stories about young people, and I always feel there's hope.

When you're a writer, you talk about things that move you, that you feel really deep inside you that's something that moves you, and you hope it'll move people, too.

I think when you're a fan of a book you do have your own little version of the characters and I hope that some people feel we are the versions they might have imagined.

One thing I can't do, and I hope that there are other people out there that feel the same way, is climb a rope. Oh my gosh, it's so hard to climb rope! It's all about grip and arms.

Being an astronaut is a wonderful career. I feel very privileged. But what I really hope for young people is that they find a career they're passionate about, something that's challenging and worthwhile.

Like many people of my generation, I feel like I survived my adolescent mischief only by a miracle, and it seems too much to hope for that the same miracle would befall my children - therefore, I want to make sure they take fewer chances than I did.

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