The cause of homelessness is lack of housing.

If the economy grows, housing gets better, quicker.

Well, my grandmother, she raised me in public housing.

The housing market will get worse before it gets better.

Gentrification and housing shortages are complex issues.

Housing is a social issue: how we live and where we live.

The church should lead on issues of housing and affordability.

Many hard working people in low paid jobs get housing benefit.

We can't solve the issues of homelessness without more housing.

There are only two markets, ultraluxury and subsidized housing.

No single housing finance institution should be too big to fail.

Housing is the number one problem facing the citizens of Israel.

If we allow more development, it will bring housing affordability.

The housing market has bottomed. It's not too late to get involved.

I'm from the housing projects, where people can't afford $150 shoes.

We need a government policy all-out in favor of more, denser housing.

As someone who grew up in public housing, I've known these conditions.

I'm not a housing market expert, and I don't want to pretend to be one.

I started school in public housing. My dad had a sixth-grade education.

I am also committed to providing city employees with housing assistance.

Quality, affordable housing is a key element of a strong and secure Iowa.

I think that there will always be a need for Housing and Urban Development.

I strongly believe supply is the best way to address housing affordability.

Education, housing and hospitals are the most important things for society.

Housing being a top-order issue for cities is something that's not trivial.

And so the danger for the housing industry is if we see interest rates rise.

In general, more affordable housing correlates with lower income inequality.

The mobile middle class gravitates to the cities where housing is affordable.

Help for first time buyers and other housing market measures will be welcome.

Our economy isn't going to recover until the housing market finds its footing.

Basically, New York housing is designed by formula, with lots of restrictions.

There's no way to understand housing as it exists today without federal policy.

All New Yorkers have the right to decent housing, regardless of income and rent.

Housing insecurity isn't just an abstract point of policy for me. I've lived it.

Government has to produce affordable housing. Government has to produce answers.

The funkiest housing in Holland is for low-income, and I think that's very nice.

I come from a lower-middle-class family and used to stay in a housing board colony.

Fair and affordable housing is a basic right for all New Yorkers and all Americans.

I can remember living in the housing projects and being broke like it was yesterday.

I am very open to looking at potential tax changes to improve housing affordability.

Tackling affordable housing via land use planning won't necessarily solve the problem.

We have to be bold and serve all San Franciscans who are struggling to afford housing.

The Romans used every housing form known today and they have a remarkably modern look.

So from the housing standpoint, steady as you go, I think, would be the best medicine.

America was not founded to improve health care or housing; it was founded for freedom.

We've given more resources. On housing, we are now establishing a regional housing pot.

Once the housing market begins to recover, I would phase out the mortgage tax deduction.

I came to the realization of how essential a role housing plays in the lives of the poor.

Housing affects everything, and we continue to live in very, very segregated communities.

The U.K. government sets a cap on how much can be spent on discretionary housing payments.

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