The humblest is the peer of the most powerful.

I'm the most humblest guy you can ever talk to or meet.

I am not the humblest person in the world. I admit that.

You have nothing that the humblest worker has not a right to have also.

The humblest occupation has in it materials of discipline for the highest heaven.

The humblest individual exerts some influence, either for good or evil, upon others.

The humblest painter is a true scholar; and the best of scholars the scholar of nature.

When one starts writing a book, especially a novel, even the humblest person in the world hopes to become Homer.

The humblest person in this world is the astrophysicist. Because we are face to face with our ignorance every single day.

Sanitation and cleanliness are among the humblest of the civic virtues, and it is easy to underestimate their significance.

The humblest citizen of all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error.

I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires.

The feet of the humblest may walk in the field Where the feet of the Holiest trod, This, then, is the marvel to mortals revealed.

A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and most powerful possess.

Grandeur of character lies wholly in force of soul, that is, in the force of thought, moral principle, and love, and this may be found in the humblest condition of life.

To the humblest among them, who may be listening to me now, I want to say that the masterpiece to which you are paying historic homage this evening is a painting which he has saved.

The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it.

I was born to play basketball. There's no question about it. That's it. And I'm saying this in my humblest opinion, I do feel that I was born to play this game. I breathe it, I live it.

No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong, gentle and good, without the world being better for it, without somebody being helped and comforted by the very existence of that goodness.

Mr. Lincoln's elevation shows that in America every station in life may be honorable; that there is no barrier against the humblest; but that merit, wherever it exists, has the opportunity to be known.

Any British household with a scrap of land has always grown herbs for the kitchen. From the superb monastic herb gardens down to the humblest cottage, a supply of fresh herbs would have been considered essential.

After a prosperous, but to me very wearisome, voyage, we came at last into port. Immediately on landing I got together my few effects; and, squeezing myself through the crowd, went into the nearest and humblest inn which first met my gaze.

It is the advertiser who provides the paper for the subscriber. It is not to be disputed, that the publisher of a newspaper in this country, without a very exhaustive advertising support, would receive less reward for his labor than the humblest mechanic.

Sometimes magnificent visual art takes root in the humblest of soils. Advertisements painted on old barns, tattoos, fruit crate labels, hot rod embellishments - all these media and many other non-galleried forms have hosted and fostered esthetic delights that satisfy any rigorous definition of art.

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