Sometimes you get hungrier when you taste it.

A hungry dog hunts best. A hungrier dog hunts even better.

TNA didn't use me, but I got hungrier to wrestle. The struggle made me better.

I don't know anywhere where the people are hungrier for education than South Sudan.

I'm hungrier than those other guys out there. Every rebound is a personal challenge.

You eat salad and you're hungry the next 30 minutes and you're hungrier from when you ate the damn salad.

I sort of feel like if you're slightly marginalized, you're hungrier, and you can take more risks and be more playful.

We've never had a hungrier player than Federer and Nadal and I would say that Nadal is probably much hungrier than Federer.

That's the thing, when you play younger characters they're always less casual. You're hungrier or more naive. Those things wane in time.

I am as hungry now as I was when I began in the sport. If anything, I am probably a bit hungrier. It is because I know there are fewer tomorrows than yesterdays.

I'm not against working out. It's just not effective for weight loss. I like strength training to tone and firm the body so you look tight. But working out just makes you hungrier.

I would take vouchers, do sums in my head just to get some eggs and bread or a tin of cheap Irish stew. I'd be starving and want two tins but couldn't afford it. The poorer you are the hungrier you feel.

I'm hungrier than all of them. They didn't put in the effort that I did to get the title. So I don't care what it takes - I'm not giving up that title. I worked too hard to get it, and I'm not going to lose it.

No matter how well I have taken care of my body, I have been injured a few times, which is very unfortunate and which is very disappointing. But each time, I have come back, I have come back stronger, and I have come back hungrier.

You work for years and years to make the Olympics, then something goes wrong and it's all gone. But that doesn't mean you can't still make your mark in another way. Losing in the Olympic Trials made me that much hungrier to become a world champion as a pro.

Obviously, at PSG, they have the best players in the world. Being with that group has really made me strong. I have watched the ins and outs of everyone, Neymar and Mbappe and all those guys in training, and I really feel that it has moulded me into a stronger person and a fighter, and it made me a lot hungrier than before.

There will always be competition, especially in showbiz. There's always someone younger and hungrier standing behind you; there's always someone with more contacts; there's always someone whose grandfather or father is a filmmaker. I think your job is just to be there 100% - you work hard, and there are no shortcuts to success.

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