But me writing sad songs doesn't mean I am a sad person.

Golf has made me and shaped me into the person I am here today.

I am not a private person; you can ask those who hang out with me.

I am an open book, and I'm fine being me: I'm not a perfect person.

I am a person who can never pretend and manipulate - I am what you see me as.

I am not a sun person at all. I think it's a cancerous poison and I don't want it touching me.

I am naturally a thin person and I am 5'1" and putting on five or 10 pounds, that looks like a lot on me.

I am more of an outdoor person, but when I can't run outside, I make sure the treadmill sees a lot of me.

I am not a person that is particularly tethered to fashion, which I think is obvious to anyone who's seen me.

When I got to jail, it was a blessing in disguise because it made me reevaluate and check who I am as a person.

I am kind of a curmudgeonly person, so I don't gravitate to groups or traditions, which is probably just pretentious of me.

There are several different traits that make up a person's identity. For me, being Vietnamese American is the entirety of who I am.

I am super lucky to have a resume which has all kinds of filmmakers and films and hence experiences as a person and actress for me.

I think I am the first person of color to direct a major white play on Broadway. In 1993? That's astounding to me. And horrifying to me.

Wrestling pushes me, makes me accountable. It makes me who I am. I never felt I was just a normal person. Then I felt too normal, lazy, sedentary.

I am very scared of Salman and intimidated by him. My talkative behaviour disappears and I am a very different person when Salman is in front of me.

I am not too open of a person. I don't really understand why someone holding a notepad and pen thinks he can ask me anything and then is offended when I don't answer.

I want everybody to succeed. It's just part of who I am. I probably do that with my kids tenfold. I'm as insecure as the next person, but it doesn't ever take me over.

Dealing with sledging is an individual thing. For me, I am not going to take abuse from David Warner or anyone else and not have a word back. But it is down to the person.

There is something sinister, something quite biographical about what I do - but that part is for me. It's my personal business. I think there is a lot of romance, melancholy. There's a sadness to it, but there's romance in sadness. I suppose I am a very melancholy person.

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