The mere imparting of information is not education.

I think imparting sex education to children is important.

The destination of progress and development will be achieved by imparting latest education to the youth.

Imparting knowledge is only lighting other men's candles at our lamp without depriving ourselves of any flame.

I'm good at description and imparting flow to a story, but I don't necessarily understand the value of long scenes.

Good news doesn't necessarily have to be a positive thing. Bringing good news is imparting hope to one's fellow man.

If you teach a girl, you are not just imparting education to a woman but to a family that will later help in nation building.

Brahmins never torment or trouble others and have been respected since ages for imparting knowledge and giving direction to society.

My dad was a Buddhist when I was young, so when I was begging to become a Catholic, he was saying no and imparting Buddhist precepts.

I run after good stories. If I did not like the story of 'Padman,' and if it was imparting the same message, I probably would not have done it.

And anytime a programmer makes a decision about how to deal with data, how to average it or clean it, you're imparting more of your own bias on it.

Bringing good news is imparting hope to one's fellow man. The idea of redemption is always good news, even if it means sacrifice or some difficult times.

Observation, very general and wide-spread, has shown that small children are endowed with a special psychic nature. This shows us a new way of imparting education!

In sports teams, apart from talk of sporting prowess and the imparting of inspirational thought, an extraordinary amount of time is spent discussing, and flaunting, material possessions.

Hopefully, imparting what's important to me, respect for the food and that information about the purveyors, people will realize that for a restaurant to be good, so many pieces have to come together.

My history teacher could make us feel like he was imparting rare gossip to us when he was talking about Maria Theresa and the Habsburgs. I just loved that sense of - the Western canon is here, and it's gossipy and tawdry, and everyone is sort of goofy.

Teaching children about entrepreneurship is much like imparting any other skill or piece of knowledge. You will provide them with ways to experience how entrepreneurship works, and you guide them toward the subjects or areas they seem to show an interest in.

So, we should work on imparting quality education and make our children responsible citizens. For that, we should also come forward and do our bit. So I want to open an academic institute for the underprivileged children, where they can acquire knowledge and become responsible citizens.

For a blink of an eye, there was so much media glare. It was unexpected, and I don't think we realized the magnitude of the message we were imparting with 'The Nanny Diaries.' There was also this added challenge that some of the media power players whose publications were doing stories on us perceived us to be sniping at their lifestyles.

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