Art is by nature optimistic. Art is optimistic because it is alive.

Art is by nature optimistic. Art is optimistic because it is alive.

I like gettin' old.

Grief isn't all tears.

Blessedness is within us all.

My sunglasses are like my guitar.

I'm not a very analytical person.

Paths that cross will cross again

My mother answers all my fan mail.

I'm not really a nostalgic person.

Love is an angel disguised as lust.

I always wear the same thing onstage.

I don't think," he insisted. "I feel.

Pissing in a river, watching it rise.

Will you pretend you're my boyfriend?

New York is the thing that seduced me.

You don't want to OD on improvisation.

Writing is not some quiet, closet act.

I've always considered myself a writer.

No one knows how powerful technology is.

Your soul was like a network of spittle.

I always enjoyed doing transgender songs.

I like really hot coffee, not too strong.

No one expected me. Everything awaited me.

Ultimately, I want to make everyone horny.

Remember, we are mortal, but poetry is not.

Punk rock is just another word for freedom.

We tried not to age, but time had its rage.

Words are just rules and regulations to me.

Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine.

You can't make a mistake when you improvise.

Got to lose control before you take control.

An artist wears his work in place of wounds.

I hated the soup and felt little for the can.

You can't carve up the world. It's not a pie.

All I've ever wanted to do was create freedom.

Artists are traditionally resistant to labels.

Christianity made us think there's one heaven.

Rock n' roll is dream soup, what's your brand?

My style says, 'Look at me, don't look at me.'

I didn't waste my time on things I didn't love.

I love being alive. I like being a human being.

Maybe I'll be 48 and die in the gutter in Paris.

Often the simplest song is the hardest to write.

Horses pretty much broke as a record in England.

Freedom is...the right to write the wrong words.

I think I'm constantly in a state of adjustment.

Who can know the heart of youth but youth itself?

Never let go of that fiery sadness called desire.

Everything distracted me, but most of all myself.

There's nothing cool about being self-destructive.

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