The U.S. routinely ranks lower than other countries in health outcomes such as infant mortality.

Infant mortality and life expectancy are reasonable indicators of general well-being in a society.

The infant mortality rates are insanely high. The obesity epidemic is on the rise. It is all related.

If anything, all homes should have piped water supply and sanitation, which could improve public-health indicators and reduce infant mortality.

I believe the only way we'll be able to solve infant mortality - and other huge social problems - is by designing solutions for those with the greatest intent to carry it out.

Thomas More rarely discussed his siblings, and two of them are never mentioned by him. It is likely that they were part of that infant mortality which had provoked such concern for early baptism.

Yesterday in this country we had people die of hunger and malnutrition. In some parts of this country, the infant mortality rate rivals that of sub-Saharan Africa. We have a public education system that ranks below that of almost any other Western nation.

The truth is women use contraception not only as a way to prevent unintended pregnancies, but also to improve their health and the health of their families. Increased access to contraception is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant mortality.

Because sanitation has so many effects across all aspects of development - it affects education, it affects health, it affects maternal mortality and infant mortality, it affects labor - it's all these things, so it becomes a political football. Nobody has full responsibility.

The Gilded Age robber barons - the Goulds, the Vanderbilts, the Morgans and Rockefellers - did quite well under laissez-faire. Most of the rest of Americans were still stuck in the ditch, with little to no economic security, life expectancy of roughly 45 years, and horrific infant mortality rates that claimed 300 babies per 1,000 in the cities.

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