Every innings is important.

If I don't go 200 innings, it's been a tough year.

You can win it in the late innings if you never quit.

I'm proud of the fact that I pitched almost 3,300 innings.

A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings.

It's weird coming into a game in the later innings, in a World Series game.

If you bowl well early in the innings, it is also important to finish well.

When you give your team five innings, you don't really feel good about five innings.

It feels good to be able to contribute, eat innings, provide some rest for the bullpen.

In my long innings, I have seen many sunrises and many sunsets; many good and bad times.

You can't have your bullpen throwing three or four innings every night. Just not fair to them.

I want to be the guy that can go out there and go at least seven, eight innings every time out.

Even a good batsman requires a year or so in test cricket to settle down and play long innings.

I've pitched too many innings and pitched too many years - one game doesn't make or break my career.

You're just trying to go out there and give seven innings. Seven innings, 105 pitches, that's a good outing.

When I'm fielding at point, I'm running all over that field, and I'm really tired by the end of the innings.

My individual role is to take the innings as deep as I can and perform in a way that benefits the team most.

AI is witnessing an early innings in India. It has a thoughtful government, and India can race ahead if it chooses to.

I want to be a high-order batter in the one-day stuff, to play some long innings rather than just go in and have a swipe.

In my opinion, the best setup guys now have a tougher job than the closers. They pitch more innings, inherit more runners.

Of course I like to watch myself bat. After every innings, match, series, I do watch my own videos whenever I get the time.

Once I get completely right mechanically and with command, maybe I only use two or three pitches to get through seven innings.

The cutter has really helped me stay in the game longer and helped me get past the five, six innings a little more consistently.

My pitch count as a general rule was 135. And I knew how many pitches I had when I went to the mound for the last three innings.

I've always said, in India and England especially, but all around the world, it's hard to start your innings against good attacks.

Seven innings, three starts in a row, that's an improvement for me, and that's what I want to do: be out there in the game longer.

I wouldn't throw all spitballs. I'd go maybe two or three innings without throwing a spitter, but I always had them looking for it.

My game is such that I either succeed or fail. But I always hope to do something which is useful to the team at the start of the innings.

There have been a few times in my career when I have been close to tears after completing an innings, but rarely when I am waiting to bat.

In the shorter form of the game, I think I'm getting a lot smarter with the way I'm approaching my innings and also the way I read the game.

Cricketers are made to feel that they are very special. That is okay as long as cricketers realise they are only as good as their last innings.

Like an author, a cricketer signs his name on every innings he bats or bowls in; indeed for every cricket ball that challenges him on the field.

Mistakes can happen. Sometimes they can build up over the course of an innings and put people even more on edge, which makes it snowball further.

Pitchers are going to break. You can limit their pitches and limit their innings, and they're still going to blow out. Pitching is hard on the arm.

Six innings, you're doing your job. That's a good target to have, but I'm always looking to improve. There's three more innings of improvement left.

When you start off a T20 innings you want someone who is going to be hitting the top of off stump, causing problems and being quite disciplined with the ball.

My first year in the big leagues, I made $17,000. It was easy to go out and get another $17,000 relief pitcher. I never worried about innings or pitches. I just pitched.

Square cuts which ordinarily would have flashed to the boundary earned only two, and I believe that those two innings would have been worth 150 apiece in a county match.

The game is nine innings. It's not two, three. It doesn't matter if it's the fifth through the seventh or the seventh through the ninth. It's not two innings - it's nine.

When they come here, what we are looking for them to do is step up to the plate, take responsibility and get the big innings, the centuries - or take a lead with the ball.

If you are used to going five innings and then go six or seven, you won't have your good stuff. They need to start that from the minor leagues and give pitchers strong arms.

Every player needs that one or two innings to get the confidence in whatever format to realise that he's good enough to be successful in whatever conditions or at whatever level.

Good scores are valuable, but centuries stick in the mind. There are influential people who might not notice a good innings of 60 or 70, but they will react if you get a hundred.

My father - until the day that my dad died - didn't know how many points you scored in a touchdown. He could say there were nine innings in baseball, but no intricacies of the sport.

I used to bowl a lot at the death while bowling in the IPL, but it serves as a confidence booster that I can do a lot more with the ball at the start of the innings and at the death.

I am capable of batting at No. 4, from where I can build an innings. I have performed the role in the past. I have also been coming later down the order and donned the role of a finisher.

In 50over cricket there are different ways of playing. It's not all about smacking it over the top. It's important someone bats through the innings. That would be one of the options for me.

The Nationals tried hard to recover the lost ground. The final result, however, was the success of the Forest Citys by a score of 29 to 23 in a nine innings game, twice interrupted by rain.

As an opening batsman, it's my responsibility to spend as much time in the middle as I can and try and get big scores in the first innings so that we don't have to bat in the second innings.

Absolutely, Dhoni inspires me. He does it for wicket-keeping and batting both. He is a great keeper. I idolise him. The way he finishes an innings I would like to do the same for Pakistan too.

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