I've been compared to Jude Law my whole career.

My favorite album is 'Abbey Road.' I love 'Hey Jude.'

For me, it's always easy and great to be connected to St. Jude.

I always carry prayer cards to St. Jude and St. Martha with me.

I'm thrilled to be going back into 'Hollyoaks' and bringing Jude back.

I enjoy watching Daniel Day Lewis, Jude Law, Edward Norton, Kevin Spacey.

I wouldn't say no to being in a film with Jude Law. I love English actors.

I'm so grateful for St. Jude. It's warm and welcoming and magical, and kids can be kids.

Growing up in Memphis, I have always admired St. Jude's for the magnificent work they do.

I'm an honorary ambassador for Stand Up to Cancer, and I'm also associated with St. Jude's.

There are people out there who want me to fail, who want Jude to fail, who want our relationship to fail.

I love to crochet. I have my own line of yarn and donate half my proceeds to St. Jude Children's Hospital.

Dude, I didn't say Jude Law can't act. I didn't say Jude Law was in bad movies. I just said he's in every movie.

The most important thing in the world is children. St. Jude is literally saving people's lives. It's incredible.

Getting people to come play my 'Darius and Friends Show' was so easy because it's for St. Jude, and that's a great thing.

My mother turned me onto St. Jude back in the days when I was wild and crazy. She took me to the shrine on Rampart Street.

The knot of intimacy at the center of 'Ten Thousand Saints' is the friendship between Teddy McNicholas and Jude Keffy-Horn.

When you get the opportunity to work with somebody like Jude Law, there is a fear. They've got lots of stuff under their belt.

Oh I've seen Jude Law a couple of times, with his kids in tow, looking stressed. But I've lived in Primrose Hill for 20 years.

I think St. Jude helped me achieve some miracles in my life - that's why I wear the medallion in my left ear and never take it out.

I've always - from my very first film, 'Shopping,' which was Jude Law and Sadie Frost, I mean, I've always liked strong women characters in films.

Articles always end up being about my appearance. I had a conversation with Jude Law: he told me people's obsession with looks goes away after a while.

Given our family's long history with Variety the Children's Charity, BJC Health System and St. Jude's, it was an easy decision to get involved with Victory Junction.

Gerry Schoenfeld told me 'Les Parents Terribles' was not going to sell, even though we had Kathleen Turner and Jude Law in the cast. So we called it 'Indiscretions.'

The story of how the Laffer Curve got its name begins with a 1978 article by Jude Wanniski in 'The Public Interest' entitled, 'Taxes, Revenues, and the Laffer Curve.'

There are a lot of people that I think look very good - Bryan Ferry and Jude Law dress really well, Steve McQueen was cool, and all the James Bonds have been very dapper.

I found myself right in the middle of an absolute hotbed of Nazi intrigue. All the Jewish shops had 'Jude' daubed over the windows, and the Jews themselves were attacked.

We went to church every Sunday. I do think it's my duty to give back. That's why I'm involved with St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Jude has a very different character. It is not the cradle of Christianity, or of the assembly on earth: it is its decay and its death here below. It does not keep its first estate.

I'm an ambassador for World of Children and St Jude's, it always been very important for me to use modeling as a platform to give back or raise awareness for causes that are important.

As for futuristic costumes, I loved doing 'Gattaca' because I'm a minimalist at heart, and it's a very minimal film. Plus, with Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke and Jude Law, how could you go wrong?

I do charity work for St. Jude's Children's Hospital and the USO. I made all the money I'm ever going to need - all my family is every going to need - so I try to give back to the community.

A lot of the novels that I've really enjoyed in my life, whether it's Tolstoy's 'Cossacks,' or 'Sons and Lovers' or 'Jude the Obscure' or 'David Copperfield' or 'Herzog,' have an autobiographical spine.

I find that balancing my life with my work with the kids at St. Jude, working on books, working on my career as an actor and taking time out for my husband and family help to cushion a lot of the blows.

There's no greater cause in the world than finding cures for our sickest children. And no one does that better than St. Jude because its families never have to worry about paying the hospital for anything.

You come to me and it's my job to make you look the best you can look. From an image point of view, would I prefer to dress Jude Law instead of Rolf Harris? Of course. But it's my job to make them both look great.

So I went in front of the judge, and I had my St. Jude prayer book in my pocket and my St. Jude medal. And I'm standing there and that judge said I was found guilty, so he sentenced me to what the law prescribed: one to 14 years.

Like so many others, I came to romance during the golden age of it - Judith McNaught, Julie Garwood, Johanna Lindsey and Jude Deveraux were at the height of their historical domination. Without those women, I wouldn't be a romance novelist.

When I look in the mirror, I sometimes think I'm getting old, but then I have two generations behind me so that helps puts things into perspective. I am a grandmother now, but at least my nine-year-old grandson Jude calls me Glamma and not Granny.

Anything to do with children, sign me up! I work a lot with St. Jude's Children's Hospital, which is an incredible hospital in Memphis that treats children with cancer for no charge whatsoever, including the families' lodging and all of their bills.

I never thought I'd spend all my life with Gary. I suppose I was quite cynical about marriage. But with Jude, I knew right from the beginning: there was an electricity I'd never felt before. It was so easy, we talked for hours. It was a relief, really.

When I made my first film, 'Shopping,' the reviews were incredibly snooty. They said things like, 'Jude Law is too pretty for the role,' and that's why I don't respect the British press. That kind of small-minded thing doesn't consider what people like.

I had girlfriends who really irritated me by their devotion to the Beatles. I didn't begrudge them their interest, and there were songs like 'Hey Jude' that I could appreciate. But they didn't seem to be essential to the kind of nourishment that I craved.

When I was a lot younger, I did some work with St. Jude's, but then we went on a 'Red Band' tour across the United States, and we went to a bunch of hospitals and had the privilege of meeting kids who are suffering or going through these different situations.

Today, all patients accepted for treatment at St. Jude's are treated without regard for the family's ability to pay. Everything beyond what is covered by insurance is taken care of, and for those without insurance, all of the medical costs are absorbed by the hospital.

That is the difference between St. Jude's and all other children's hospitals. The other hospitals are not bad at all; they're good hospitals, but they're just working with what they know, and St. Jude's is working with what nobody else knows, because they're doing research.

I always knew that St. Jude was an amazing organization but meeting the kids and seeing how the hospital works first hand was truly beautiful. It doesn't feel like a regular hospital all dreary and sad. It's a colorful, beautiful, comfortable, fun place to live and the energy is wonderful.

I'm not called Jude Law, I have three names; I'm called 'Hunk Jude Law' or 'Heartthrob Jude Law'. In England anyway, that's my full name. That's the cheap language that's thrown around, that sums you up in one little bracket. It doesn't look at your life. But if one looks beyond, there is actually a little bit more.

When I come to Chicago, I gorge myself. I get off the plane and start with Gene and Jude's for two hot dogs with everything, swing by The Fudge Pot for a taffy apple and a turtle, chocolate clusters at Sarah's Pastries and Candies and steak at Smith and Wollensky. I find time for Gino's pizza within the next 12 hours.

As someone who has spent many years marveling at the brilliant and painstaking work of the doctors, scientists and researchers at St. Jude, I can attest firsthand to the bone-deep commitment these men and women have made in their fight against disease. They are at it around the clock - every hour of the day, every day of the year.

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