I have faith in the judicial system.

My judicial philosophy is straightforward.

There's no such thing as judicial supremacy.

Ownership is a very complex judicial concept.

My judicial philosophy is fidelity to the law.

Trees have judicial standing, and probably grass too.

We have a problem with judicial activism in this country.

I have 100 percent confidence in the German judicial system.

It is true that there have been excesses of judicial activism.

The Constitution guarantees due process, not judicial process.

To be effective, judicial administration must not be leaden-footed.

Some of the most impressive judicial nominees are grossly mistreated.

Of course, conservatives always claim to be against judicial activism.

Empathy is a virtue, but it should not be a guiding judicial principle.

Out of control judicial activism threatens traditional marriage in America.

The judicial system of Rwanda is not subordinate to France or France's interests.

When a court goes too far, it actually weakens our respect for judicial institutions.

I personally believe technology can transform the functioning of the judicial system.

Over the years, Judicial Watch has called out many White House conflicts of interest.

Our Parliamentary system has simply failed to meet the challenge of judicial activism.

If judicial review means anything, it is that judicial restraint does not allow everything.

So the danger of conservative judicial activism has been averted for another year. Stay tuned.

JAG is an acronym for the Judge Advocate General, which is the judicial system of the military.

You have a good judicial system in the U.S., as you have learned from the Nixon-Watergate period.

Judicial activism must be lessened, and the judiciary should do its work and let politicians work.

There's no one who has sued the Trump administration on transparency issues more than Judicial Watch.

Judicial review has been a part of our democracy in this constitutional government for over 200 years.

The judicial system is really taking an activist role in preventing Trump from implementing his agenda.

Only legislative, judicial, and executive action can completely guarantee the victory of the free world.

Conservative Justices have a history of not standing by their professed commitment to judicial restraint.

A decision by the Supreme Court to subject Guantanamo to judicial review would eliminate these advantages.

South Korea is a vigorous democracy, with strong judicial institutions and a commitment to the rule of law.

Due process and judicial process are not one and the same, particularly when it comes to national security.

When the spotless ermine of the judicial robe fell on John Jay, it touched nothing less spotless than itself.

We must remember that judicial nominees are constrained in what they may discuss and how they may discuss it.

Judicial review has developed since the 1970s as a way for individuals to challenge decisions taken by the State.

Without any direction from Congress, our judicial branch has unilaterally created and defined qualified immunity.

The executive branch has grown too strong, the judicial branch too arrogant and the legislative branch too stupid.

There is hardly a political question in the United States which does not sooner or later turn into a judicial one.

The idea that there aren't mistakes made constantly in the judicial system is too obvious even to need to mention.

Judicial Watch has a massive project to force states and counties across the nation to clean up their voter rolls.

Conservative voters increasingly understand that the one legacy a president can leave is his judicial appointments.

Judicial Watch's FOIA lawsuits have already shown the Obama State Department was corruptly targeting President Trump.

The judicial system is the most expensive machine ever invented for finding out what happened and what to do about it.

My Catholic faith is the foundation of my worldview, and my judicial duty is governed, from beginning to end, by the law.

We have judicial system in Sudan. Anyone who committed a war crime, anti-human crime, or any other crime will be locked up.

You can be sure that Judicial Watch is investigating and monitoring the responses of our government to the coronavirus threat.

Obama and Biden want a bench crammed full of liberal judicial activists, and it's up to the American people to tell them 'no.'

In a democracy, you need to have a strong judicial system. You need freedom of speech, you need art, and you need a free press.

Judge [Samuel] Alito, I'll tell you the same thing I told John Roberts. I expect you to adhere to the Code of Judicial Conduct.

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