Discipline is liberation.

Liberation is not deliverance.

Hope is the seed of liberation.

Humility is the key to liberation.

Liberation does not come from outside.

South Africa needs a second liberation.

Freeing oneself from words is liberation.

Respect is heaven, respect is liberation.

Without community, there is no liberation.

Bondage and Liberation are of the mind alone.

Maturity and experience are part of my liberation.

Liberation exists- and you will never be liberated.

The pill was the liberation of the spirit of women.

National liberation is necessarily an act of culture

I believe in the liberation of the Palestinian people.

Coming out of the closet doesn't always mean liberation.

Little Richard opens his mouth, and out comes liberation.

My stay in Munich was the scene of my complete liberation.

I realized that women's liberation is men's liberation, too.

Reagan was a pure liberation, free-and-fair election American.

I'm in favor of animal liberation. Why? Because I'm an animal.

It's not that sexual liberation or feminist messages are dead.

I'm proud to be associated with the liberation of Assata Shakur.

Success is like a liberation or the first phrase of a love story.

It is not women's liberation, it is women's and men's liberation.

After the liberation of France, I went to the movies all ihe time.

There's nothing automatic about political change, about liberation.

There’s no path to liberation that doesn’t pass through the shadow.

The liberation of language is rooted in the liberation of ourselves.

Single female life is not prescription, but its opposite: liberation.

I don't believe in Women's Liberation. No, no, no, no, no. Not at all.

I love the ability to transform because that, for me, is a liberation.

What is the seal of liberation? Not to be ashamed in front of oneself.

This is deathless: the liberation of the mind through lack of clinging.

The liberation of those who commit murder and terrorism is unacceptable.

We will not stop resisting the occupation until liberation or martyrdom.

The liberation of the human mind has never been furthered by dunderheads.

The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror

The Gospel is not reformation, decoration or renovation. It is liberation.

Hanuman not only gives liberation, he also fulfills our beneficial desires.

The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror.

Transformation, liberation and celebration are the themes of all my novels.

Comrades, there is no true social revolution without the liberation of women

There is no liberation without labor...and there is no freedom which is free.

We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that.

I work toward the liberation of women, but I'm not feminist. I'm just a woman.

Gay Liberation? I ain't against it, it's just that there's nothing in it for me.

The rainbow flag is a symbol of freedom and liberation that we made for ourselves.

My fellow revolutionaries, liberation is a noble cause. We must fight to obtain it.

Every religion or every philosophy is an outcome of the human search for liberation.

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