I love my legs.

I love my heritage!

Soul music is timeless.

I'm a very caring person.

Simplicity makes me happy.

My mom is definitely my rock.

You've got to love what's yours.

It's karma, baby. And it goes around.

When you're talented, you're talented.

I grew up in a pretty tough neighborhood.

If I didn't love it, I would not record it.

I'd rather not have anything than be a liar.

I've always been strong-minded, but I wonder.

People don't expect me to be as funny as I am.

Maturity and experience are part of my liberation.

We're all going to change. Otherwise, it's boring.

I really like to live my life in a low-key fashion.

We are all one. We're not as separate as we oftentimes think.

I love the written word so much, I know it's gonna flow naturally.

I feel like B sides are always better, no matter whose record it is.

I fell in love with the piano. I knew it was me. I was dying to play.

Stevie Wonder's records introduced me to '70s soul when I was 12 or 13.

Some of the greatest artists did their best work when they got political.

I don't dream - only if I'm uncomfortable or I'm going through something.

My mom always said, 'Don't date a guy who thinks he's prettier than you.'

I would hate to make music and people love me for something that isn't me.

As a lyricist, you love to hear other great lyrics or other great concepts.

I always want to stay focused on who I am, even as I'm discovering who I am.

Not because I'm trying to be fabulous, but I love those big crazy Jackie O shades.

But when I first fell in love with the piano, I knew it was me. I was dying to play.

I'm not ashamed of what I am and that I have curves and that I'm thick. I like my body.

I promised myself that I'd never actually admit to listening to 'New Kids on the Block.'

I've stepped more into my business and really... taken control for how I want that to be.

I have big everything on the bottom, but I love my legs. You've got to love what's yours.

I find myself to be truly primal and passionate. Everything I do comes from a primal place.

My mother is an actress, and she used to drag me from theater to theater and reading to reading.

When I had nothing else, I had my mother and the piano. And you know what? They were all I needed.

I see what happens when one gets very attached to material things. That's just not what my life is.

I have this vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycle jacket. When I put it on, it has this supercool feeling to it.

I've always been very private, maybe because I discovered my mother, who is a wonderful lady, is very emotional.

And I love kick boxing. It's a lot of fun. It gives you a lot of confidence when you can kick somebody in the head.

I've stepped more into my womanhood, I'm a mother now, I'm having a beautiful relationship as a wife and as a friend.

I believe in the limitlessness of humans. We're capable of incredible things. At times, that realization is frightening.

Sometimes I've gotten photographs back and people have literally shaven off pieces of me, and I tell them to put it back.

When I first started getting into the business, a young woman in a music game that was mostly men, I did feel inadequate.

Failure isn't an option. I've erased the word 'fear' from my vocabulary, and I think when you erase fear, you can't fail.

I want to continue to produce film, television, and theater, and to make the most amazing music that I've made in my life.

I believe Aids is the most important issue we face, because how we treat the poor is a reflection of who we are as a people.

It's not until I hear songs that I've done, that I realize how much of an inspiration music from the '60s and '70s has been.

It's when we become afraid of everything and worried about everything that you are never going to reach your highest potential.

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