Our kids are in a little band, and they like to play video games, and my wife and I do our best to live a low-key, non-Hollywood kind of life.

The mass of the people commence life with no other capital than the union of head, hearts and hands. To the benefit of this best of capital the wife has no right.

The best part of being married is, everything we face in life, we face as a team. I don't do a thing - professionally or personally - without discussing it with my wife.

I've got two contracts in my life. One, with my wife because we're married. And, two, I've got a contract to protect Andy Dalton. I'll do both of those to the best of my ability.

Meeting my wife Amanda was the best thing that could ever have happened to me. She wasn't going to let me screw around my life anymore, so I stopped drinking and started behaving like a decent human being.

My life changed in 2005 on the day I met my wife, Tamzin. She was in a play called 'Breathing Corpses' with James McAvoy, one of my best mates from drama school. I knew who she was, and I'd fancied her quite a bit when she played Melanie Owen in 'EastEnders.'

Julia is one of the most loyal people who ever lived. Her best friend is her best friend from third grade, and her other best friends are her best friends from Northwestern. Once you're a pal, you're a pal for life with Jules. I'm not just flattering her because she's my wife.

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