But better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions.

Our goal is to upgrade the life of China's middle class. We all want to live better.

Human life is truly a short affair. It is better to live doing the things that you like.

Death is easier than a wretched life; and better never to have born than to live and fare badly.

You can't live your life with regrets about not doing something. It's so much better to just go for it.

I don't wanna ever make jingles. I wanna do something that changes people's opinions and provokes thought and makes them think about how they should live their life and how they can better themselves and empower themselves.

The longer you live, the smarter you get because you've been around. You've seen things. You've gone through different emotional experiences in your own life, and hopefully, you understand things better. And that makes you a better actress.

I have no problem with people eating meat. I would just like it, for the people who do eat meat, for the animals to be treated better. To be treated humanely. Cows in pastures living the life that they're supposed to live. I have no problem with that.

I think life gives you lemons, and the thing that I'm working on doing is not watering it down, not putting sugar in it. Just drink it straight. The more you can take life head on... it's gonna make you a better person, and then you have nothing left to be afraid of. And what an awesome way to live.

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