No way will I put my family and my life on the TV or be involved with something like a dating show or any type of reality show.

I have my family life and I think it's important to be able to shut the door and keep the door shut, and that keeps you grounded. You stay in reality.

Reality television - it's your life, and you can't walk away from it. You're being exposed, and the audience is weighing in on your lives and your relationships with your friends and family.

If I was to have a reality show, it wouldn't be a show based on my personal life. I'd want it to showcase me and my girls on tour, like living life as a young artist, not exposing what goes on in my family situations.

I'm not cynical, but the reality is that life is mortal. Terrible, sad things happen. Everybody loses friends and family. I'll be on tour and get really scared if my wife won't answer her phone within one minute. I'm sensitive.

Over the years I, personally, have had many people come and want me to do reality shows based around the family. That was just something I never considered doing. It's so much conflict and it's so invasive into your personal life.

That's the reality of my life - I do normal things and then get to go to film festivals and wear borrowed clothes and turn up at premieres and talk about things I am passionate about. But then you click back to normality and your family and friends.

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