I really like Cold Cave.

Australia is a wild place.

Nobody wants a complainer.

Love is intense, and sadness is intense.

I'm obsessive when I get an idea in my head.

I feel like when I say something sad, I mean it.

Everybody goes up and down throughout their lives.

Cigarettes are the worst thing in the world for you.

I think 'She Drives Me Crazy' is hilarious and good.

'Smoke Ring' was a downer, then 'Wakin' was an upturn.

A lot of getting a song done is booking the studio time.

I benefit from a change of scenery; it's always inspiring.

I've been known to just pass out instantaneously, like, anywhere.

I actually often write about writing music and being in that zone.

I use a lot of humor in my writing. But it's completely black humor.

That's one of my favorite Matador records: Cat Power, 'You Are Free.'

I want really badly to just be funny in a movie but be close to myself.

I'm definitely influenced by Animal Collective. I watched them early on.

I feel like my music is like - there are always new influences in there.

I had a really fun time working with the HARRYS guys and their whole crew.

Life is so beautiful, but there are all these scary things you can't deny.

After I play a gig, I'm like a different person: I have superhuman strength.

I go in and out of mental funks all the time 'cause it comes with the territory.

I proved myself with 'Smoke Ring.' It was me maturing. I made a good pop record.

I really love that 'I Can Feel the Heart Beating as One' Yo La Tengo record a lot.

I'm the kind of performer who gets lost on stage. I can tap into this soulful haze.

I don't have anything to get off my chest. I'm not itching to prove myself anymore.

I had a wacky job driving a forklift for an air freight company. That was the worst.

People can have their punk ideals, but I don't really care about that kind of thing.

The real reason I was lo-fi before was really just because that's what I could afford.

I'm joking all the time with my friends, even when we're talking about serious things.

If I had known I'd be on Matador back then in my childhood, it would have blown my mind.

That Yo La Tengo record, 'Painful,' has got some real awesome, noisy, mellow heartbreakers.

If I sit in the same square room and work on something too long, I feel like you just go mad.

I've never gotten in too much trouble with alcohol. I've never had a drinking problem, really.

'Street Legal' is like a cult classic. It's pretty cheesy at times, but you learn to embrace it.

I'm the kind of person who will set time aside to do something and then do everything but that thing.

I just try to make as much money as possible. However I can do it. With as much integrity as I can have.

There's so many ways you can play one chord progression that the repetition isn't ever exactly the same.

I get to come home to my family. It's awesome, just constant adventure, never a dull moment. So much life.

When I first got the record deal, I thought it felt like I won the lottery. But I always worked hard at it.

People do get mad at me for falling asleep sometimes, and it's the most frustrating thing. I can't help it.

I'd say the best thing the Violators and I have done is to dominate the U.S. with an arsenal of smash hits.

Even when I played in little league as a kid, I liked making friends, but I didn't want to be there, really.

Critics always get the lyrics wrong in reviews, which is amusing - especially when they use them against you.

When I write, I tend to tap into this human wondering vibe that could come off negative, but it's really not.

Humor is important. Nothing against bands that are always a downer, but the reality is - it just becomes theater.

I like a well-rounded life. All of this work is kind of useless if you don't have something good to come home to.

I was used to hanging out late after playing a gig - you mix adrenaline with alcohol and you can stay up all night.

I think if you just travel in general, it allows you to step outside of yourself and whatever you're familiar with.

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