For me, my life is a journey.

Unreasonable is very relative.

Life is a journey I don't have a map for.

Life is a journey through a foreign land.

For life is a journey through a wilderness

Without music, life is a journey through a desert.

Life is a journey. When we stop, things don't go right.

Life is a journey, it can take you anywhere you choose to go

See, life is a journey and every chapter is very interesting.

Everything what's inspiring has been created by one who could work in freedom

Life is a journey, you know; and a lot of journeys, you go out, you come back.

Life is a journey, and you can't carry everything with you. Only the usable baggage.

Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.

I believe that life is a journey towards God, and that no one has the right to insist that you go a certain road.

Life is a journey and it's about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are and loving who and what you are.

I think our life is a journey, and we make mistakes, and it's how we learn from those mistakes and rebound from those mistakes that sets us on the path that we're meant to be on.

The message is that I was reminding myself and informing others of the fact that God has always been good to me. No matter what you're going through, God is always with us. Life is a journey.

For each of us, life is a journey. Heavenly Father designed it for us out of love. Each of us has unique experiences and characteristics, but our journey began in the same place before we were born into this world.

I'm an imperfect person. I've let anger, jealousy, all the emotions, get the best of me. If I go into books, word by word, little by little, they help re-center and re-ground me and put me on the right path. Life is a journey. I'm very focused on the things I do and have learned not to be pressured.

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