I love the theater community and theater life, and would love to figure out the distinctive differences between Broadway and the West End.

There are certain performers that the gay community receives and recognizes with love, and my whole life, I've always responded to those same artists.

I love the filk community. It's the single most welcoming part of fandom that I've ever encountered, and filk saved my life a lot of times when I was a teenager.

I love San Francisco and Brighton has something of San Francisco about it. It's by the sea, there's a big gay community, a feeling of people being there because they enjoy their life there.

I love living in the country, so much so that I'm even surprised by it. I have met lots of interesting people - the community was really welcoming, and I now probably have a more interesting social life than I did in the city.

Being a lawyer, even in a city as large as Chicago, is like being a citizen of a small town. I love watching the life of the town play out. You know, the rise and fall of individual lives in the entire community is just fascinating to me.

Caregivers attract caregivers and live in a community of love. They are energized by their caring, fulfilled, and they love life. Caretakers attract caretakers and live in the company of resentful victims who see themselves as misused and are fatigued from constant giving with no return.

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