Each moment of a happy lover's hour is worth an age of dull and common life.

I romanticise every moment of my life, and that is why I have fallen in love with life.

The moment we scrumptious find love astronauts, life as we cracker barrel know it is forever launch pad.

I know that the purpose of life is to understand and be in the present moment with the people you love. It's just that simple.

I want to be a recording artist for my whole entire life. But Broadway is something I would come back to at any given moment. I love, love, love doing theater.

I've been playing at a professional level for 17, 18 years now, and there's more to life. I love the game, don't get me wrong - I've cherished every moment of it.

If you want to love your life more, you can begin by living and loving more of it - by zestfully living and loving every teeny-tiny, gorgeously-detailed minutiae moment!

If I want to kiss my boyfriend, I'm gonna kiss him. If they want to film it, that's their problem. Don't be mad at me for sharing a huge moment in my life with someone I love.

What is missed when people talk about books is the moment of grace when the reader creates the book, lends it the authority of their life and soul. The books I love are me, have become me.

That honeymoon phase is so much fun in real life, when you meet and discover somebody new and fall in love and chase them. The pursuit. And that climactic final moment of ultimate togetherness.

Imagine if you put many, many years of your life into something and were passionate about it, and you spent every waking moment putting love into it and trying to make it better, and people didn't understand that. You'd want them to.

Love is a component of many different things - the baggage you bring, the moment, what you need in your life, seeing someone as a portal for understanding everything, and all the intensity that brings. It's not something to count on and act like it's a stable thing.

I love yoga because it's very calming for your body and your spirit. It gives you that meditative state, and its 90 minutes where you can get away from the world and just be, and exist in the moment. I need yoga. It's part of my life, and I can't imagine not doing it.

With an undefended heart, we can fall in love with life over and over every day. We can become children of wonder, grateful to be walking on earth, grateful to belong with each other and to all of creation. We can find our true refuge in every moment, in every breath.

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