I see marriage as a new beginning in my life.

Marriage was probably the worst mistake I ever made in my life.

Writing is the most important thing in my life - above marriage.

I had only two offers of marriage in my life, and I refused both.

During my first marriage, my career was the most important thing in my life.

Marriage, at this point in my life? I'm not interested in it. Yet. Maybe later when I'm 35 or 40.

I routinely never discuss my marriage. It's nice to have things in my life that are totally mine.

There are times when adverse publicity has hit my life, but these things are the growing pains of showbiz marriage.

For most of my life, I, like many Americans, had greeted the idea of an arranged marriage with a mixture of fascination and skepticism.

I spent most of my life from 24 to 31 at the office. I wasn't going to people's weddings; I wasn't cultivating my marriage. I wasn't happy.

I have done everything in my life very normally. And marriage is definitely there on my agendas in life. But I don't know when will it happen.

Even prior to marriage and motherhood, it's always been about prioritising and focusing on what you can commit to. That's been my approach to every aspect of my life, be it my relationships or my professional commitments.

I suffered, I really suffered, with all three of my husbands. And I tried damn hard with all three, starting each marriage certain that it was going to last until the end of my life. Yet none of them lasted more than a year or two.

I never thought I'd spend all my life with Gary. I suppose I was quite cynical about marriage. But with Jude, I knew right from the beginning: there was an electricity I'd never felt before. It was so easy, we talked for hours. It was a relief, really.

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