Coming to Old Trafford gave me a new lease of life.

It does feel that TS5 gave me such a new lease of life.

Being single has definitely given me a new lease of life.

This quarantine life is not new to me. I've been like this from my teens.

Life stands before me like an eternal spring with new and brilliant clothes.

Growing up in New Orleans helped me live a real life. I experienced so many things.

Life is not shrinking for me; it's morphing into a whole new world of possibilities.

My inspiration for new products comes from moments in my life or what's happening around me.

After my crash I never doubted it would be hard but I would be lying to say this new life has been a surprise to me.

My grandparents used to tell me stories about their trip to Ellis Island from Russia and life on the Lower East Side of New York.

I feel like 'Harlem River' was me putting one foot out the door of New York, and 'Still Life' is between Point A and Point B. It's the grey area.

I feel like being pregnant and entering this new stage has made me stronger and more excited about life in general. Everything seems so much more purposeful.

Even a criminal has the right to a new life, but they made sure I did not have that. They just didn't stop calling me a prostitute for ever and ever and ever and ever.

Travelling is a key part of my life. It keeps me inspired, takes me to new places, introduces me to new sounds, and allows me to explore new environments and soundscapes.

When 'Tree of Life' went to Cannes, all the interviewers were asking me about my favorite actors and actresses because I was new to the industry, and they wanted to get to know me.

'Sixth Street' is probably a new chapter for me. All of the songs were written in my apartment where I'm most comfortable, and at that point, I understood who I was and knew what I was feeling about life.

I've always been interested in the Greek tragedies. A few years back, I re-read a translation of the 'The Oresteia,' and that stayed with me, and slowly this idea of using some of those old legends and plays to tell a new story about modern urban life began to form.

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