My life is littered with bad decisions.

I've never given a bad audition in my life.

Why was I feeling this way? Why was everything so bad in my life? I had no answers to these questions.

But I don't let my bad feelings rule my life. I acknowledge them because I can't pretend they aren't there.

I feel matured in a way that I'm happy about. I'm at this other stage in my life - and it's not a bad thing at all.

I don't want to spend my life in my 40s feeling bad about being in my 40s, and then all of a sudden I'm 50, and I will have missed a whole decade!

As bad as it feels, it's familiar to you. And the depression itself is making you unable to reach out. So, I've definitely experienced that in my life.

I should have been deliriously happy. I had my dream come true. I'm a best-selling author. So why is everything in my life, including my writing, going bad?

All of a sudden I discovered that I'm allergic to caviar. It was the perfect metaphor for my life. When I was only able to afford bad caviar, I could certainly eat my fill of it.

I spend my life around people that are, like, bad people, if you want, and then deep down they're not. It's just the circumstances they've been given. A majority of people that are standoffish, it's because they lack the feeling that they're connecting to anything or that there's opportunity for them to get anything.

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