Even I would find a book about my life pretty dull.

I wouldn't know how to find eBay on the computer if my life depended on it.

I wasn't raised Christian. I certainly had to seek Him out and find Him, and it's changed my life. I'm so glad I did.

This is going to sound pretentious, but I like comedy that addresses something I find either worrisome or interesting in my life.

More and more, there are things in my life that I find hard to say. Like, 'David Bowie and Lorde were at my birthday party.' She's a phenomenal spirit.

I've seen a lot in my life. I've seen a lot of winning. I've seen a lot of testing times. I think when you're tested, you really find out what you're made of, OK?

I think life is sweeter shared; and if anything were to happen to my partner, I would find it really hard without her because she's the perfect person for my life.

I guess I'm just a born performer or artist or sharer. I find the intimate details of my life compelling and interesting. I guess that I'm assuming that everyone else does, too.

Perusing colorful storylines on the backs of book jackets, I realized that none of them could possibly be as dramatic as my life to date. Then sadly, I also realized I could never find the ending of my story from the safety of an armchair.

The one recurring theme in my writing, and in my life in general, is confusion. The fact that anytime you think you really know something, you're going to find out you're wrong - that is the rule. The moments where you think you have something figured out, those are the exceptions.

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