People should learn more about Malala and about her life in Pakistan.

We need a lot more visibility of queer people in public life. People gotta get used to it.

I think school is so much harder than real life. People are so much more accepting when they are adults.

I don't think I've had a more miserable life than a lot of people. I think I've had a pretty lucky life.

Anywhere you go, where people are at the bottom, we've all got the same outlook on life and want to strive for more.

Life has changed. People have changed. They are more forgiving, less inclined to rush to judgment. And I have changed.

People know more about my views than they do about most BBC presenters because I had a life before becoming a BBC presenter.

There is no difference between saving lives and extending lives, because in both cases we are giving people the chance of more life.

There are people who enjoy the life in England but don't pay a penny in tax, whereas my footballers pay more than half their income in tax.

It often seems that, for whatever strange reasons, comedians, in addition to their formal performances, have more comic experiences in real life than other people do.

On becoming more acquainted with the word of the Bible, I began to understand so much more of what I had been taught, and of what I had learned about life and about the people in mine.

There's the typical books, Moby Dick and, I guess in my adult life I began to read biographies more than fiction. I started to want to relate to other people's lives, things that had really happened.

You meet a lot of people and have a lot of experiences, and they color you and stay with you - but I'm not the grieving widow. Life is much more complicated and interesting and full of zigs and zags than that.

More people with HIV/Aids are getting inexpensive anti-retroviral drugs, and their life expectancy has increased, but universal access is still far off, and the disease is still spreading, if more slowly than before.

The Clinton tax increase - which was an increase in taxes primarily on upper-income people - not only made the tax code more nearly progressive, it preceded one of the most productive economic periods in American life.

The interesting thing about fiction from a writer's standpoint is that the characters come to life within you. And yet who are they and where are they? They seem to have as much or more vitality and complexity as the people around you.

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