People never expected a boy from a small town to have a life like I did.

I've never understood having crushes on people who you don't know in real life.

Most people have never learned that one of the main aims in life is to enjoy it.

I've never met Mr. Mark Cuban, but I tell people that I thank him more than life itself.

I've led a charmed life. I've known people who have been depressed, and I've never had that.

I've never been involved in something where people cared about my personal life and the gossip of it!

I've never been able to comprehend why people are interested in my personal life, cause I'm not like that.

I think dealing with mean girls is just a part of life. I never really took people like that too seriously.

I never thought people would be remotely interested in my silly little life, but I'm really glad that they are.

One aspect of fast London life I have never understood, for example, is the custom of the gym. Why do people go to gyms?

One thing we cannot put a number on is the number of casualties because people were never connected to their purpose in life.

You're talking to someone who has been married to various people for the last 40 years of her life. Dating is not really something familiar. I've never really been a dater.

By a lot of people's standards, I lived a very privileged life. I never wanted for attention, I never wanted for material things. In some ways, I was probably spoiled because I never had to share. And I was doted on.

I stopped wearing jewelry for a couple of reasons. One is because everybody wears jewelry. I outgrew it; I'm getting a little wiser and growing, so... Another reason is because the richest people that I've ever met in my life, they've never had on jewelry.

Even though I was manically overachieving and involved in everything, I still never felt like I belonged. That's definitely affected my whole life and why I wanted to become an actor and tell people stories, because communication and feeling like you belong is such an integral part of our social fabric.

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