Finding some quiet time in your life, I think, is hugely important.

For the first time in my life I feel important. I'd like to have five babies.

Although we will both die, and life is utterly meaningless, my time is vastly more important than yours.

That time, making 'Disco Pigs,' was kind of the most important period of my life. The people I met there remain my closest friends.

I vicariously lived the life of an independent producer from the time I was four years old. And what was always important was writing, writing, writing.

By the time we hit fifty, we have learned our hardest lessons. We have found out that only a few things are really important. We have learned to take life seriously, but never ourselves.

When I was young, my brother David and I were farmed off to foster homes, and I spent time in orphanages. My father abandoned us. Here's the most important person in my life, and I never met him.

Acting is just part of my life. It is not my life. Whatever time I invest in acting I give my 100 per cent. But there are other things which are also important and I like to give equal attention to them.

Life isn't so complicated for children. They have more time to think about the really important things. That's why I occasionally moralise in my children's books in a way I wouldn't dare when writing for adults.

I think it's important if you are an actor, if you are portraying human life, you have to connect with what is human. It's not easy if you spend a lot of time in L.A. and get sucked into the hedonism of the industry.

What's really important in life? Sitting on a beach? Looking at television eight hours a day? I think we have to appreciate that we're alive for only a limited period of time, and we'll spend most of our lives working.

I think we are not yet well aware that, unfortunately, we have a short time to be moms. This is not to suggest that we should rush to have children or do it in a crazy way. I think that's the most important decision of a woman's life.

I rarely get recognized, and whenever I do, it has to do with 'The Leftovers' because it came into someone's life at a particularly important time for them - if they were dealing with grief or loss or whatever tragedy - and they just caught it. And there is no rhyme or reason to the kind of person it is.

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