The only way to enjoy anything in this life is to earn it first.

Let us work without theorizing, tis the only way to make life endurable.

I have learned that keeping my personal life outside of work is the easier, richer way to work.

One way to appreciate C.S. Lewis is to see how his Christian humility shaped his life and work.

Yes, doing a work, telling a story very much represents a way to save my own life, and on so many levels.

You think that your life is going to be one way, and then, for various reasons or whatever, it doesn't work out.

The way Germans work is that they are slow to warm up but when they do they are your friend for life and very loyal.

I had too many big passions in life and it gets in the way of work. You can't concentrate properly on the one thing.

Everything is fiction. You only have your own life to work with in the way that a biographer only has the letters and journals to work with.

I spent my whole life figuring out how to get out of work. I would say I was intelligent, but intelligent in a very surreptitious, invisible way.

To work our way towards a shared language once again, we must first learn how to discover patterns which are deep, and capable of generating life.

It's good-bye to public life in the way that you try to communicate with an audience playfully, like we're friends, beyond the work you are actually paid for.

In terms of work, obviously acting is such a job that is very in the flesh kind of thing. It's your work, but it's your life, in a way. You can get so mixed up.

Work's a way of life. It's the way you live; it's what you do, and it's how it is. It's not work. It's a lifestyle. It's life. It's what one does. You can't not work.

I hoped that it would be possible to slide slowly from my public life back to the life of teaching and writing that I had always wanted. But things didn't work out that way.

You are overwhelmed, overscheduled, and dejected because you keep trying to have it all - or at least most of it. You want a fulfilling job and personal life, and it's not working. The way out? Work more.

In short, our response as a party should be to work to solve the crises that produce crisis pregnancies, and work to make life worth living for mother and child, rather than victimize the child as a way of dealing with the crisis.

There is more to be pondered in the grain and texture of life than traditional fiction allows. The work of essayists is vital precisely because it permits and encourages self-knowledge in a way that is less indirect than fiction, more open and speculative.

It's like Forrest Gump said, 'Life is like a box of chocolates.' Your career is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. But everything you get is going to teach you something along the way and make you the person you are today. That's the exciting part - it's an adventure in itself.

Life is a series of baby steps along the way and if you add up these tiny little steps you take toward your goal, whatever it is, whether it's giving up something, a terrible addiction or trying to work your way through an illness. When you total up those baby steps you'd be amazed over the course of 10 years, the strides you've taken.

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