Boredom means you develop your own interior life.

If you don't run your own life, somebody else will.

You need to write on your own and produce your own life.

Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.

But for each of us, isn't life about determining your own finish line?

Life prepares you so that you are able to create your own happy ending.

Experimenting with your own life is the most fundamental medium we have.

You just have to do your own thing, no matter what anyone says. It's your life.

I think that's what keeps you grounded - having your own life that's not directed by your job.

Once you enter the public's eye, you have to be aware that you give up a huge part of your own life.

Pick up a yardstick to measure your life against anyone else's, and you've just picked up a stick and beaten up your own soul.

What do you do in a novel? You take recognizable characters from your own life, and you fantasize about what they're really like.

I categorically resist this idea that films are supposed to be autobiographical and the only stories you tell are about your own life.

Luxury is not about the things that you own. It is about something that reflects your personal values, something that shows the choices that you have made in your life.

I mean, life is kind of like your own movie. You collect your characters to play your friends or acquaintances, your lovers. You're the casting director of your own life.

I do think you are supposed to go through wars with your child because otherwise the tearing apart that has to happen when they go off to lead their own life would be unbearable.

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