People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher or better than themselves.

That's part of being a leader, being the guy that people look to and making everybody around you better.

I always liked to put on a tie. The more you look like an executive, the better treated you are. It catches people by surprise.

People laugh to forget their troubles, and to forget their troubles they like to look at people who aren't doing better than they are.

If we get a girl who is bigger than a 4, she is not going to fit the clothes. Clothes look better on thin people. The fabric hangs better.

When it comes to personal appearance, people are quick to cast judgment on people who look better than them. It's part of the human inferiority complex.

The more people feel comfortable to showcase that and the more we highlight that as a visibility for young girls to see and look up to - I think that's better.

Gratitude is important. One has to look beyond oneself to see that while there may be people who are far better off, one has been given so much more than so many.

I think if people were to look at badminton and tennis, they'd see they're actually very similar; the profile would increase, and we might be in a better position as a sport.

If you look at Japanese drama, I think there is definitely a treasure trove of it, but I just don't think that people know about it. It's got to be pitched and presented better.

Dividers seek to make themselves look or feel better by making others feel worse. They damage relationships, fracture teams and organizations, and create havoc in people's lives.

I've been to nudist beaches, like twice. But honestly, I just don't want to see these people naked. Most people look better with their clothes on, and the few that don't, look better than you, so why bother?

I find it to be strange that people get obsessed about how fast actresses and celebrities are taking off their baby weight. I guess people like to look to them and feel better about themselves or feel worse about themselves.

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