I'm a big people-watcher. I love it. But I feel bad about it, because I always get caught!

I love exploring the more complicated side of love. I feel like I've always gravitated toward that.

Vulnerability is huge. I love to see that in characters. It's something I feel like a lot of my comedic heroes have always done.

I really love D.C.; it's one of my favorite places to perform. I always say when I come here, I feel like my IQ increases by 20 points.

I feel like we go through different stages of love. When you get a little bit older, love starts to feel different, but you see that love has always been there.

I love, and I've always loved, contained sci-fi films that utilize practical effects. I feel like the human eye can tell when something is actually in the frame and when it was inserted digitally later.

A lot of actors, and artists in general, never feel secure in love. They always feel everything's going to be taken away from them, professionally and personally; they're extremely emotional and volatile.

Write because you love it and not because it is something that you think you should do. Always write about something or somebody you know about - something that you feel deeply and passionately about. Never try and force it.

Adidas is just right. They've been, like, a partner I couldn't be more thankful for. I really feel like they've helped increase my popularity. You know? It's tight to be able to attach to their brand and be able to add whatever I can offer to their brand. It's nice to know that they appreciate it. They are always showing love.

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