I always love trying new and different things.

I'm always down to switch up my scents and love discovering new products.

I always love to learn new things. That's the reason I like being an actor.

I read a lot when I'm away. I love courtroom dramas and I'm always looking for new authors.

It always feels good to come back here. I love New York... it's just nice to see a lot of familiar faces.

I love fashion, so I'm always into new things. I'm not necessarily a trend-driven person. I like to kind of do my own thing.

I'm always up for the challenge of doing more and doing different things. I love being inspired like a new producer all over again.

I love breaking news. And I was always trying to create the new, the next thing in television news. So I was the first to do overnight news.

I'd always dreamed of being an actor and going out to Los Angeles or New York and being paid to do what you love, and then I went and did that, and it wasn't what I expected.

I've always been into fashion since I was a kid. I love fashion. I appreciate it. I just enjoy dressing up and getting all the new sneakers and all the hot exclusive clothes - I did even when I was young.

Once I had started film, I suddenly said, 'Wow, I love it.' I moved there from New York. But I've always gone back to the theater, and it is more satisfying, really, because you get to give a continuous performance - no sequels.

Moving to New York made all the difference in my creating this new series with Ellie Hatcher. I love Portland, and it's always going to be one of my favorite cities, but it was getting to the point where, after I'd moved to New York, I couldn't write as specifically about Portland any more.

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