Having people I love around me - friends and family - is great, but I don't necessarily need a relationship.

I love my husband so much. I love our family. I love our dynamic. I'm proud to be in the relationship that I am because it's based on love. Pure love.

Had I not been in a relationship, I would have no issues falling in love with a midget. I wouldn't mind as long as she loves me and takes care of me and my family.

Tom and I have never claimed to be perfect, whatever that means in a relationship. We're not trying to be anyone's example. We're living our lives and building our family and doing what we love.

I love children and I love family and I love that interaction. Because I had a really close relationship with my mother, I understand that deep powerful love, and it's so beautiful. To be a mother to a child is the most brilliant gift; it's gorgeous.

I look for someone whose upbringing was somewhat similar to mine because they can understand me - love for the family and everything else. You see someone's relationship with their parents, and you realize what that person's going to be like as a parent.

Humans have a fraught relationship with beasts. They are our companions and our chattel, our family members and our laborers, our household pets and our household pests. We love them and cage them, admire them and abuse them. And, of course, we cook and eat them.

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