What motivates me is to be able to do what I love to do, which is to fight.

Well, a girlfriend once told me never to fight with anybody you don't love.

I don't fight just because I love it just that much. I'm fighting because it's a job for me.

The one thing that always sucks about me is that I'm just a fighter, and I just love to fight.

I love doing fight scenes. I've been a dancer since I was 3 years old, so I think that helped me with the movements.

I love big events. It reminds me of the old days, when I knew everyone on the fight card, and it wasn't just one fight.

This is a fight. This isn't putting a ball in a hole. This has always been a fight for me, and I just love it when it's that way.

I love the preparation before a fight. I love to research, and the process of finding little-known information to use when I'm calling a fight is incredible for me.

I would love to have gone there, fight at Madison Square Garden or a casino in Las Vegas, but there are no American heavyweights now who can pose a challenge to me.

This is why people love to watch me, is because I fight. I'm here to fight. I'm not here trying to protect anything, not trying to protect a legacy or anything. I'm here to fight.

I'm a tomboy at the end of the day, so anything that causes me to have to run around, fight people, roll in the dirt, hop a fence - I'm all for it. So I really would love to do an action film.

Barboza is up there. He's a scary fight, but I like being scared. And that's a fight that me, as a fan, would want to see. I know how much fans would love something like that. So I'll go out there and try to finish that dude with leg kicks.

Well, for me, the real excitement of doing physical things in films, whether you're talking about a fight scene or a stunt sequence or even a love scene, for that matter, is by necessity it has to be choreographed very much like a dance. That being said, you have to rehearse it over and over again and find a mathematical precision.

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