You make me want to be a better man.

You make me want to be a better man.

I'm a good friend.

I have a lot of vanity.

This town needs an enema!

You can't handle the truth!

My motto is: more good times.

I don't even own a cell phone.

I'm not hard to get along with.

Never rub another man's rhubarb.

I'm definitely still wild at heart.

Just let the wardrobe do the acting.

The camera photographs what's there.

Once I got started acting I loved it.

Acting is everybody's favorite second job.

I'm Irish. I think about death all the time.

Beer, it's the best damn drink in the world.

I'm a scamp. I don't deny it. I like myself.

Being pigeonholed is the death of all actors.

Almost everybody's happy to be a fool for love.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is Batman.

Dissembling is a common tool of the anger junkie.

I've been too many places. I'm like the bad penny.

I hate giving advice, because people won't take it.

He [Castro] is a genius. We spoke about everything.

The less people know about me, the easier my job is.

I'd give my goddamned soul for just a glass of beer.

Women -- a mistake, or did He do it to us on purpose?

I only take Viagra when I'm with more than one woman.

My only emotion is gratitude, literally, for my life.

People who speak in metaphors should shampoo my crotch.

If you think you’re attractive, you’re always attractive.

The minute that you're not learning I believe you're dead.

Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?

Million bucks won't see you through a major health crisis.

Everybody's old enough for a beer, ain't that right, Mule?

I assume most of the characters I play are exactly like me.

Charlize Theron and Cate Blanchett are very good actresses.

I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability.

Kids are life's only guaranteed, bona fide upside surprise.

You look at someone long enough, you discover their humanity.

You can call me Joker. And as you can see, I'm a lot happier.

I am a person who is trained to look other people in the eye.

Just because you're perfectionist doesn't mean you're perfect.

We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round.

Do you think God knew what he was doing when he created woman?

I'm a New Wave baby, so I got very stimulated by foreign film.

Frankly, I got into the movies because I like the movies a lot.

I think the Greeks invented sports as an antidote to philosophy.

I'm the last guy in the world to feel overlooked by the Academy.

What's beautiful is all that counts, pal. That's ALL that counts.

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