The thing that I love about 'Scandal' is every character, it's not clear if they're good or bad. Everyone is both good and bad.

I'm very glad people love 'Breaking Bad,' but the harder character to write is the good character that's as interesting and as engaging as the bad guy.

It is with passion that I love my job. But it is with character that I am able to keep looking forward. Not just beyond criticism or bad results, but also beyond the good moments, too. Everything has to be a balance.

I won't complain, but I don't want to just be doing action films and extended character transformations, you know? I want to explore, and I'm up for anything. Honestly, I just want to read a good script and fall in love.

Love every role to be new, and I always like to bring a freshness to every character I play, but that comes down to the script. So, it's important that it's a good script with good, truthful characters and truthful subjects.

I would love to do anything involving a good strong character, whether it's in film, TV or theatre. My dream role's already been taken by Keira Knightley in 'Pride and Prejudice.' Growing up, I really wanted to be Lizzie Bennett.

How do you hold on to the idea that you are good and kind and deserving of love when the whole world thinks you're evil? It's really disorienting to see this character with your face and your name and your details catch internet wildfire. It really bothered me.

'The Cape' is a really good comic! They invented the whole character, and now they've built a book of 'The Cape' for the show. When I was a kid, I used to love Batman, and I loved Spider-Man. My favorite was this guy called Judge Dredd. I know they made a movie of that in the '90s.

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