I love to look at women with good bones and good bodies in good clothes.

I love to see other women in pink. It's good for every shade of skin and hair.

Women of quality are so civil, you can hardly distinguish love from good breeding.

I always love being in the company of women. It's all about good conversation and great wine.

I love radio interviews; it's all about multitasking and, like all good women, I can do that.

I love color, and I'm very inspired by curvy women and helping them feel good in their clothes.

I have as much pink as you can have. I love to see other women in pink. It's good for every shade of skin and hair.

I told my agents that I love Holly Hunter and Frances McDormand and all of these women that are good at doing comedies as well as dramas.

Our culture is bloodthirsty for stories about women in pain; we hunger for women to expose their traumas and to be rescued by the love of a good man.

I want women to love Jesus! That is what I would give every single thing I have for, every earthly good I've got. That is the greatest desire of my heart.

When I travel, I love speaking to women around the world about the things that inspire them, the fashions they like, what makes something good and what would make it even better.

I'd quite like to do a film but I'd also love to do more theatre. I want to keep challenging myself with good roles. It's harder for women because there aren't as many challenging roles.

I love playing strong feisty women, I really do, but if you were to ask my husband he'd probably say that I'm very insecure. And actually incredibly malleable, which isn't necessarily a good thing.

I grew up with three younger brothers, so it was always 'compete against your brothers.' I've always had to stand up for myself. I love that. I love proving myself, that women can be just as good as men.

I was raised to take pride in homemaking, and it's something that I always love to do. I know I share that pride with millions of other women all over the world. It's a good feeling, and it makes me happy.

Support other women! We are taught to be competitive with other women, to vie with them for the 'girl spot' in a group or job. Anything that helps an individual woman is good for all of us! Love and support your friends!

I love looking and seeing what kind of shoes women wear. I think that tells me if a person knows what they're doing. To me, shoes are... If I like your shoes, and you're pretty, that's a good quality. As well as being confident.

I've always said if a woman is looking for a good husband, she should go for a Jewish man past 60. Jewish men are essentially brought up to love women. Then you rebel against that and become a bit of a bastard. Then at 60, you revert.

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