Religion has done love a great service by making it a sin.

I love writing and directing because it's great therapy. Every project I've done, there's been a personal connection.

I get calls, emails and get asked in the grocery store when I'm not looking that great... 'I love your hair. Where do you get it done?'

I'm done losing weight, I feel great, and I love looking like a woman. I love being curvy and having boobs and hips. It's hot. I don't ever want to be size zero.

Those who intend on becoming great should love neither themselves nor their own things, but only what is just, whether it happens to be done by themselves or others.

I've done great theatre, great films and had a lot of opportunities in television. I also love to sing, and I've been able to do that once or twice in the television shows.

To be in a Pixar movie is just great to begin with, and it has afforded me the opportunity to do a different medium because I have never done voice-over before. And I love it.

Comic-book pages are vertical, and movie screens are relentlessly horizontal. But it's all the same form. We use different tools, but we get the job done. I'm completely in love with CGI. It's great for conveying a cartoonist's sense of reality.

I knew I would be running with so many people watching all over the world because of him. People love Bolt. He has many fans out there because of his great achievements and breaking world records in Olympics. I've done the same and it's a great honour. I'm happy and I'm happy for him.

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