'Game of Thrones' is great. Love it.

Great American sport. Horseshoes is a very great game. I love it.

I love the game. I want to see creativity. I want to see great goals. I want 'Wow!'

I love to be in the ballpark. I love to just go in and enjoy a great baseball game, a great pitchers' duel.

Aaron Rodgers - I love the way he scrambles and how he plays the game - he always makes great decisions with the ball.

Everybody would love to be able to be great and make it to the NBA All-Star Game as a rookie. I mean, that is everybody's goal.

I think it's pretty crazy when I walk down in the airport and a 12-year-old boy comes up to me and says, 'Hey, I watched you at the World Cup. Great game! Great job!' I love that.

I love the preparation, the excitement of game day, the nervousness of game day. But I enjoy the day-to-day stuff. Game day is a great day but I enjoy Mondays and Tuesdays, watching yourself on film, watching the next opponent, getting the game plan.

I'm a basketball guy. No sitcom guy. I don't care about all that jazz. I care about basketball. It's not me. And I stayed with what I did, and I'm very proud that I did that because I make a great living and I'm lucky and I get to be involved with the thing I truly love, and that's the game of basketball.

Going into a game, I know that I'm going to run a lot. I know I'm going to have a lot of volume, and I know that I'm going to get hit a lot, which is great. Sometimes we try to deliver some blows, too, try to break as many tackles as possible. We know it's going to hurt the next day. That's why we love the game.

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