If it was a great script and a great character, I would love to do a romantic comedy.

I love romantic comedies... but they have to be done right, but when they are, they're great.

Love is the driver for all great stories: not just romantic love, but the love of parent for child, for family, for country.

It's great to fall head over heels in love at a fast pace, and nothing's more romantic, but you need to look after yourself.

I grew up on romantic comedies and love watching those films. They were, like, a real joy and a source of great pleasure and an escape.

I recently learned that Lake Como is one of the most romantic places two people could go. That beautiful great lake is a majestic reminder that love is unconditional when you flow and nourish one another, constantly and unconditionally, like water.

I am such a sap when it comes to love! I believe in love at first sight all the way. But that's just the way it happened to me with my relationships. I love the idea of two people looking at each other and electricity flying around them; it's so romantic, and it's a great feeling.

I think when romantic comedies are done well, it's a great genre. 'When Harry Met Sally' is kind of a benchmark for me, but I'm very happy to admit that I love 'Pretty Woman.' I do! It's a great film, and so is 'Sixteen Candles.' I was a big John Hughes fan - still am. I have moments where I have to watch a Hughes film.

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