I love fatherhood.

I'm a fairly worldly guy.

Every actor craves choice.

Addiction is a terrible thing.

I read a lot about serial killers.

I grew up in a very liberal place.

I don't like my physique. Who does?

I dont like myself without a beard.

Nobody sane wants just to be famous.

I feel pretty secure about who I am.

I don't like myself without a beard.

Everyone likes a bit of competition.

I guess I'm just lucky with my genes.

There's no easy time to lose a parent.

I'm still not aware that I'm good looking.

Modelling doesn't hold you back in L.A. at all.

I'm amazed if people are happy in their own skin.

My wife is a brilliant, hugely understanding person.

What kid doesn't want to pretend they're James Bond?

Being a leading man can come in many different forms.

Mass appreciation doesnt always equate to something good.

Mass appreciation doesn't always equate to something good.

I’d like to do a job where I don’t have to tie women to beds.

I'm probably the worst person for 'Men's Health' to interview.

I could eat 10 packs of Hula Hoops a day and not think about it.

I very much feel like I'm part of the makeup of 'Once Upon a Time.'

I feel very tied to Ireland and the U.K. and that side of the world.

It's a strange environment, being hounded. The paparazzi are cretins.

You'd be hard-pressed to find an actor who isn't a sex symbol somewhere.

A doctor once told me I have abnormal levels of adrenaline in my system.

I was a skinny guy growing up, and I still feel like that same skinny kid.

I feel very settled. I'm not running in and out of clubs at 5 A.M. anymore.

I’m quite hyper, and my wife would prefer it if I sat down and read a book.

People ask me what Gillian Anderson's like to work with, and I have no idea!

I'd always really wanted to act; but the modelling contracts came more easily.

The man is meant to be the alpha in the relationship on the money and power front.

I feel good that I have my life in order. I'm not addicted to anything that I'm aware of.

Fairytales are stories that span every generation and they've been around for a long time.

When I think of sex symbols, I think of posters my two sisters had on their bedroom walls.

I'm a feminist at heart, and I'm totally aware of why people have an issue with this show.

I’d been auditioning for parts for years, I never got any better at it. I’m crap at auditions.

If you are a skinny, baby-faced teenager, the last thing you want to hear is that you're cute.

It's not like I cleaned up with girls. I always looked young and I was very small; I hated being 'cute.'

They do very classy, sexy television in the U.S. - and they pay a lot more, so there's always that draw!

I don't think if you looked up all the main points of feminism I would tick every one essentially myself.

I can't really do the running on hard ground that I used to do. Instead I go swimming as often as possible.

People expect me to be stupid. I'm not saying I'm Stephen Fry, but it is amazing the perception people have.

I've never read anything set in Belfast that doesn't involve the Troubles or something senseless over a flag.

I don't like my physique. Who does? I was a skinny guy growing up, and I still feel like that same skinny kid.

I've never felt massively satisfied from standing there while someone takes my photograph. It's never given me a thrill.

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