I love Germany so dearly that I hope there will always be two of them.

I love India. I've always been drawn to it, and I hope that I get to visit the country soon.

I love 'Gabriel Knight' and will always be proud of it. Despite the fact that I've done many other things, it seems to be the one thing that people remember. I hope 'Gray Matter' is as memorable.

I always know that people will only remember me for my efforts in Calgary which, I must admit, seem without doubt to have kept the name alive. But I honestly love law and really hope it can take off for me. I'm going for it.

I'm always nervous! Especially when it comes to a series like 'Disgaea', where you do have such a devoted fan base, the last thing you want to do is disappoint. But I love playing bad guys and just always hope that fans will be forgiving if I miss the mark.

If you are ever on stage, and it feels as though the audience is not laughing at the right points or are not quite as engaged as you'd hope, you have to remember there is always somebody who might be falling in love with this world and having an epiphany. I was that person.

Jim Thorpe is someone I've always loved. He was an Olympic athlete, you know, and a football player from back in the day. I'd love to play him. And then there's a guy called Iceman who was a top hit man for the mob. I would love to play him. Actually, it's sort of in the works, so I hope it goes through.

Being a Barca fan means certain God-given inalienable rights: It means that, no matter what its record, Barca is, and will always be, the greatest team on earth. This is a fact. And it means that your love for Barca is like no other love in the world. It's the kind of love that clouds your memory and gives you hope.

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