I put on muscle really quick.

Working on TV can be quite insular.

It's better to be in love than watch it.

I've been handling guns since I was a kid.

I've definitely had crazy acting teachers.

My standard uniform is a T-shirt and jeans.

I came from a long line of football players.

What is ultimately motivating the character?

I like characters with flaws, who have shadow.

I'm always so inspired by Jeff Eastin's writing.

I married up. He's an intelligent and kind soul.

It's so hard for me to let go of 'The Normal Heart.'

You have to remember you're an artist and get hungry.

I'm completely happy and fulfilled in my personal life.

If you don't like Superman, something's wrong with you!

I have more faith in Santa Claus now than I do an exec.

I feel very, very thankful to have the family that I do.

I'd like to really make the Montgomery Clift biopic happen.

It's rare that you get to play a great role that has an arc.

Kids aren't born to be bullies, they're taught to be bullies.

I like endings that let your imagination do a lot of the work.

It's not like the right for gay people to marry just happened.

I'm so thankful to have been born in the times that we live in.

My parents knew if they kept me active, I'd stay out of trouble.

I lived in several hotels, yeah. You have to try to make it home.

When you work crazy TV hours, you got to have a good sense of humor.

I like to sing and leave songs on voicemail. It comes from the heart.

Cote de Pablo is one of my best friends! We went to college together.

I was in romantic relationships with girls - whatever that means at 14.

Anybody who is rude to anyone in the service industry is automatically out.

Just being attached to 'Superman' actually gave a great boost to my career.

Making a great television show is hard enough. To also tackle F. Scott - whoa.

I think you work on the roles that draw you in and the stories you want to tell.

I never feel more confident and comfortable than when I'm wearing a Tom Ford suit.

Human imagination is so much more potent than anything we could put down in words.

I don't think it's a bad thing to go out there and challenge yourself as an actor.

There's a level of love that really dissolves a lot of egotism and self-absorption.

I adore Jane Lynch, so just to get the opportunity to work with her was phenomenal.

I would love to just keep working with really great directors who really inspire me.

My grandma blows my mind. To me, she exemplifies what a loving, accepting Christian is.

I like strong opinions - I'll take that any day over someone who agrees with everything.

Certain characters are sticky, especially if they help you grow up as a person, I think.

If youre wearing suits and you want to create your own sense of style, get to the tailor.

If you're wearing suits and you want to create your own sense of style, get to the tailor.

I think when you play a role, you always have to be a defense attorney for that character.

I got a .30-30 for Christmas in the seventh grade. It wasn't what I asked for, by the way.

My parents raised me right, so I always open doors for people and try to have good manners.

It was a gift to get to play a gay role that was written in a three-dimensional, human way.

I think every guy and girl would love to get to play Superman, at some point in their life.

I was always that fringe guy anyway, the guy who played football and then did the musicals.

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