It's important for us to latch onto the people that we love.

Unconditional love is so important for people with addiction.

If you're doing what you love, and people can see that and relate to it, that's the most important thing.

I love to photograph people in their own environment. It offers clues to what's important in their lives.

It was important that I became successful. People say they do it for the love, and yes, you do it for the love, but you want to be successful.

I feel that public service is so important and giving back, being a role model and helping people in need is something that I would love to do.

I love bringing people together. I think that the environment is so important in terms of what kind of relationships you might be able to create, how people get to know each other.

I think for writers, I think it's really important to court eviction from your tribe: to expose things and to wake people up. And so I think that that can feel like a violation to the people you love the most.

When people see a Spanish last name, they have an image in their head of what the typical Latina looks like. I think it's important on television to have different representations of people. And I'm so proud of being Latina. I love it.

I'm trying to communicate here. I'm a communicator, I like to communicate, and if a million people buy it then we've touched a million people, if only 10 people buy it, then we've only touched 10, and that's important, because I'm satisfied with only 10. But, I love a million.

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