I do want a big family.

I like getting fresh air.

I never really had an overweight body.

I'm staying fit to stay mentally strong.

My mum loved housework, she basically had OCD.

You can be fit and healthy and still have fun.

The antidote to addiction is connection and love.

I try to be as genuine and authentic as possible.

Lots of kids don't have active lives and good diets.

I love a feelgood Taylor Swift or Katy Perry pop tune.

I think exercise is a huge part of structuring each day.

Unconditional love is so important for people with addiction.

I do need to exercise. I feel I'm a much better person for it.

You don't need a gym or lots of equipment to get fit and healthy.

If you struggle with sleep, you'll struggle with exercise and diet.

I don't live with judgement or resentment, I don't have time for it.

I've got freakishly large big toes. They look like the ace of spades.

I don't know Russell Brand but I like him a lot. I think he's a good guy.

I want to be the person who completely transformed the health of the nation.

You can't smash your business and be a mum or a dad on 1,000 calories a day.

If I have a fizzy drink and an ice cream, I get a sore tummy and a headache.

I love my mum for raising us, and I love my dad for teaching me what to avoid.

Exercise always makes you feel happy, it lifts your mood and gives you energy.

Never eat food that drains you of energy; eat food that makes you feel awesome.

My aim is always just to get one person a day to exercise and cook healthy food.

People say I'm like a cross between Jamie Oliver, Russell Brand and Mr Motivator.

The most offensive thing is when people say, 'Everything you do is for the money.'

Cooking at home with fresh ingredients means you know what's going into your food.

I slag off people I see coming out of the gym with a can of Red Bull or a Lucozade!

Oh, I love a good burger, I really do. With chips and a beer and ice cream afterwards.

I'm just trying to use my happiness and motivation to rub off on other people around me.

Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.

Plan your workouts in advance and try and stick to them like appointments you can't miss.

You can have an awesome physique by doing just 25 minutes exercise a day. That's all I do.

I believe that a child who exercises is more alert, focused, positive, has better mental health.

I Snapchat in the bath. I Snapchat when I wake up. I'm giving people inspiration. It's like a TV show.

I'm a big fan of HIIT training and you can do it anywhere; at home, in the garden or even in the park.

Having a perfect set of abs will not bring you happiness, but eating healthy food and exercising will.

I've never thought much about energy, or a higher power, or the driving force behind someone's purpose.

Think of your body like a car: a glass of water first thing in the morning is like starting your engine.

I don't want people to compare themselves to me and feel bad. I want to be inspiring, not to depress them.

There's no wrong or right with fitness. It's whatever you enjoy and whatever you can keep up and keep doing.

If you're a likable person and you're passionate, then people are drawn to that wherever you are in the world.

The diet industry pushes these low calorie, calorie-counting diets, and that's what I want to release people from.

It's all about nutrition. You can train, train, train all you want but I always say you can't outtrain a bad diet.

I'm always giving out such a positive message that I never really get attacked. There's not much you can attack me for.

I used to think I wanted to be a PE teacher and I worked as a school teaching assistant for a year, but it wasn't for me.

The goal is to get people off low-calorie diets. They're struggling, they're barely eating anything. They need educating.

I want mums and dads to get up together and train with the kids, exercise, have fun together and connect through fitness.

I do love my dad, we have a great relationship now but there were years when he was absent and it was my mum that raised me.

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