High heels. I respect people who love them; they're just not for me!

As I always say, you don't have to love me, but you have to respect that I'm here.

People go out of their way to show the love and respect for me. It is very gratifying.

Above all, there is Mother. She taught me how to love, how to have respect for other people.

Compassion, loyalty, and respect sum up love for me - it's a mix that's very rare to find and even harder to imbibe.

I won the NXT championship as a heel; then the fans grew to respect - not love, respect - me. I was popular because I was seen as the next to get called up.

What kept me going through all the years? More than anything, the love of and respect for competition. That's what it comes down to for me. That's why I do this.

I respect people's feelings when they say they love me, but it is completely their choice of expression, and I am alien to it. People have a right to express, but that's it.

People love the fact Chael Sonnen is saying he's undefeated. It's crazy to me that people like something like that but don't give respect to the fighters that just put it on the line.

As mayor, I used to always feel the important thing is that people respect me, not love me - but it is really much nicer when they love you, too. I'm going to try to keep it that way.

For people like me, who appreciate the love and respect you get from the fans in Japan, there was no reason for me to turn my head to the other side and go try my options and luck in the UFC.

I don't care why they love me, as long as they love me. I think people respect me because they feel like - I'm kind of like Christmas. I come back every year. You can't get rid of me. I just keep coming back.

With all due respect to arachnophobes, I love spiders. Some might call me obsessed, but I've been studying spiders and spider silks for many years now and don't see an end in sight. There is simply too much to do.

I am delighted that young filmmakers want me in their films. They have open minds and a fresh take on old attitudes. I derive a lot of energy from them. Most of all, I find their love and respect utterly disarming.

I look up to Gigi Hadid. I love where she's taken herself, I love what brands she's working on. I respect her because I understand... I mean, girls like her open the doors for girls like me. So all I can do is thank her.

If you have a passion and love for something, it's hard to give it up. I had jobs where the people were helpful and let me go to auditions, and I'd make up the hours another day. I was lucky in that respect: I could afford to get to London.

I love boxing. I really respect the guys and admire the guys who do it. But, I'm very, very happy with my career as an actor. I made the right choice and things are really working out for me right now, but I won't pretend that there isn't a part of me that always secretly wanted to be a boxer.

I like the cold; I don't have problem with cold, and I don't have problem with rain either, as long as people are smiling. You know, early in my career, I used to wonder about this fan frenzy, but now I realize that there is genuine love, respect and affection, which makes me very proud to be an actor.

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