I think a lot of people love to convolute what everyone else does in order to disempower women.

I love writing for other actors, women of African descent and people who are generally underrepresented.

I love the U.S.A. women's soccer team. I'm really a fan of them, how they play as a team, the spirit they have. They really motivate a lot of people.

I think people have the right to love whoever they want, and I think that women have the right to do whatever they wish to their bodies given the circumstances.

I'm very proud to be representing Latinas and women of color, young mothers and full-figured women. I just love that we're seeing different types of people on screen.

I think it's very important for young women, young people and older people as well, to know that love is important, but it's also important to find a partner who respects you and loves you the way you deserve to be treated.

When I was young, I couldn't imagine women of 60 falling in love. For one thing, people used to stay married; they weren't out in the jungle, searching for romance. Besides, these women just looked so ancient - permed hair, beige cardis.

We're definitely hoping 'Travelers' attracts more than just solely the sci-fi audience, too. There are so many elements here. I think this will be a show that women like, because there's a lot of unlikely romance in it between people who were in love 300 years from now, but they're in different bodies.

A wedding, people decide to get married, it comes out of such love for one another and then women can turn into these other people. They're planning something that's the biggest event they'll ever plan in their lives and it turns them into this other person, so it's not totally the guy's fault that he's feeling disconnected from this person.

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